
The Manifest Brutality podcast is about musicians who are independent or underground.

Musicians that are out in the world making and playing music for the love of instruments or being creative.

This podcast is intended to provide a platform for musicians to promote their personalities and creativity.

YouTube Playlists

Spotify Podcasts

Apple Podcasts

Interested in being a guest on the podcast?

If you are interested in participating in the interview series, you are welcome to submit a Booking Form. Minors are required to complete and submit the parental consent form along with the booking application.

Interviews are scheduled in the CST timezone (UTC-6:00), keep this in mind when selecting a time and date. An interview will take roughly 20 minutes, and will NOT be published until the audio is edited and processed. The recordings are not live, and release dates are not guaranteed. Interviews are published to the Manifest Brutality YouTube and Anchor Podcast channels.

No compensation is offered or requested from or to the interviewee. In return for committing time to this project, your own projects will be tagged and promoted in tandem with the release of your interview.

Please complete the Booking Form and submit. Once reviewed, a response will be sent to the email address submitted with the application. 

If you have any questions or are unable to complete the application form, please complete the contact request form on the contact page.

Complete this form to schedule a booking:

If you are under 18 you will need to submit a Parental Consent form. Please submit it with your booking form.

For the past three years I’ve been running a podcast interview project focused on underground/undiscovered/or otherwise unknown musicians.
I began this project because I wanted to give something back to music after decades of my own personal relationship with music. I found that most mainstream podcast/music shows focus on big name artists or industry recognizable names. I wanted to go the other direction, to find people recording in their bedrooms, or people playing instruments on the street, or just people who learned to play an instrument for the love of music.

Over the past three years I’ve conducted over 200 interviews with people all over the country and world at various levels in their career and with various levels of participation in music. It's been a truly humbling experience and infinitely motivational.

What I’ve learned from everyone I’ve interviewed is that although we all have our own passionate relationship with music, everyone has a unique perspective on what that means to them and how they’ve allowed it to interact with their lives. Some people have casual participation that allows them to express themselves, and that is their concept of being successful. While others are driven to reach into the stars and have a definition of success that puts the bar so high they may never reach it, just to keep themselves motivated to keep going.

Although everyone has their own relationship with how they define success, there is a consistent message that resonates across these interviews. You are never too old, too young, too inexperienced, too incapable, or too “successful” to begin learning an instrument or making music. All you need is motivation.

As with anything subjective, sometimes you won’t like what you make, sometimes others won’t like what you make, but the consensus is the same. If you want to do it, you should, and do it unapologetically, you should feel empowered to explore your own creativity to the very depths of what that means to you. That may seem like an obvious trope to some, but some people need to hear that, and need to be told it's ok to make music that only they like. Not all music is made with the intention of being a commercial success. In fact most music is made out of catharsis as a form of therapeutic release. It is all valid, and it is all “music”.

This project has truly been amazing! To speak to so many talented musicians, and hear how music has impacted their lives has been an honor they all trusted me with. I’m not very good at social media postings or podcast marketing, but I wish I were so I could get more traffic to these people that have taken the time to participate in this project.

I’m not adding any links to this post because I don’t want it to be viewed as self-promotion and get flagged. So, if you want to listen to these interviews, you can find them pretty much everywhere. There are links on my profile to Youtube and Spotify. I also post them to r/ManifestBrutality
With that being said. I intend to continue these interviews with musicians who wish to share their stories and experiences across the world. It really has been an amazing journey since I started. My goal is to be able to work on this project full-time, and I’m hoping to make that a reality.
If you have any questions about this, or anything else. I’m happy to have a discussion.
In closing, keep making music, keep exploring what music means to you.
Don’t give up, don’t let anyone tell you you’re not good enough or to stop.